Digging into Your Criminal Record and Legal Information
Learning how to expunge your record and get your rights restored isn’t as straightforward as you may think. Every state has a unique process, and the legal information you find online will vary based on the writer’s expertise. That is why we at The Felon’s Guide provide an overview of different legal topics like felony expungement, restoration of rights, gun ownership, voting, and more.
Our goal is to give you foundational knowledge so you’ll be well-equipped to ask specific questions about your case when you contact your local civil rights or restoration lawyer.
If you have a question about civil rights, how felony and criminal record expungement happens, or other related topics, please leave a comment below any of these articles.

Can a Felon Go to a Shooting Range?
Owning a gun is fantastic. You feel empowered to do pretty much anything. But much like Spider-Man – with great power comes great responsibility! Roughly 3 in 10 Americans own a gun, and those numbers are likely to underestimate the truth. Having a family rifle you use for hunting or a sidearm for

Everything You Need to Know About Plea Bargains
Ever imagined yourself as a character in a gripping legal drama, contemplating a life-altering choice? Your lawyer, in a whisper, speaks of something known as a plea bargain. It’s a way out, but what does it entail? In real life, plea bargains aren’t just plot twists in TV shows. They

Felony Expungement and Your Path to a Fresh Start
Imagine standing on the precipice of a new opportunity, a life-changing job, or the chance to secure stable housing. You’ve worked hard, done your time, and paid your dues. There’s only one obstacle standing in your way—your past. A felony conviction looms large, threatening to overshadow your potential and progress.

Can Felons Get Food Stamps? What is the Law About SNAP and Criminal Conviction?
Reentering society after a criminal conviction comes with numerous challenges, including securing basic necessities like food. Among the essential support programs available, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps, plays a crucial role. However, the eligibility of felons for SNAP benefits has long been a subject

Can a Felon Own a Crossbow at Home?
A crossbow is a weapon that has been used by hunters and soldiers for centuries. It’s the perfect tool for taking down prey without drawing too much attention to yourself. But what if you’re a convicted felon? Can you own a crossbow at home? As the fall hunting season approaches,

Understanding Expungement and Restoration of Rights
Why do we focus at all on legal information concerning your criminal record? First off, we should mention that our team at The Felon’s Guide is not a legal authority. We cannot, by law, offer any kind of legal advice to you or your unique situation.
That being said, we can speak based on our personal experiences. There are so many instances where felony expungement and the restoration of your rights can dramatically and positively affect the rest of your life.
Why Expunge Your Criminal Convictions?
Expunge criminal record procedures will vary based on the convicting state where your case was heard. The basic idea behind how to expunge your record is:
- Check if your state allows expungement
- Verify your eligibility (off paper)
- File a petition with the court
- Follow any interview/investigation procedures
- Wait for a response
In some states, you must have a legal counsel or expungement attorney working for you. In others, a police officer specializing in adult probation will check out your case to determine whether or not you qualify.
We should be very clear – if you can get your criminal conviction expunged, you should! This removes the record of your crime from public information so you can find jobs, a place to live, and begin rebuilding your life.

What About the Restoration of Rights?
Restoration of rights, usually post-expungement, is a little different. This isn’t just sealing your record, so it isn’t searchable anymore. When you get civil rights restored, you will be able to enjoy many of the benefits the general public receives.
For starters, you can vote. Not all states allow felons to vote. While some have made leaps and bounds on felon disenfranchisement, restoring your ability to have a voice that counts during voting is crucial to rehabilitation.
Gun ownership is another hot topic. Most of the legal information around gun ownership as a felon is pretty clear-cut, but there are subtle nuances like what types of weapons you can have, what about your partner/roommates, and other topics.
When your record is expunged, and your criminal record is no longer a factor. Your rights open up doors to professional licensing in popular career paths like education, healthcare, real estate, and anything else with an in-depth background check.
Final Thoughts
Being a felon or someone with any criminal record sucks. There is no way around it. However, if you get the chance to expunge your felony or clean up your criminal convictions, it will cultivate a pathway toward many more opportunities that could make life much easier.
These articles provide more comprehensive answers to many of the questions about expungement and other legal information concerning felonies. Be sure to shoot us a message if you have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future.